ADOT Memorial Day Weekend Advisory

The ADOT Memorial Day Weekend Advisory (No scheduled closures) 
May 24-27, 2024

Weekend Travel Advisory
Hello from ADOT. No full closures are scheduled along state highways, including Phoenix-area freeways, over the Memorial Day weekend. Click the Weekend Travel Advisory Map for highway safety tips. Please be an alert, patient driver.
  • Be prepared for hot or "very warm" weather in many areas. Check your vehicle, including tire pressure.
  • Buckle up, obey speed limits and pack an emergency kit. That should include extra drinking water.
  • Expect the Unexpected, including unscheduled closures. Click the Weekend Travel Advisory Map for more.

View the Weekend Travel Advisory map in PDF format or visit our site for a complete listing of restrictions for this weekend.

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351 N. Arizona Blvd., Coolidge Arizona 85128