Disability Services & Support OrganizationsHealth & Wellness
About Us
CDE is a company designed to service individuals with developmental disabilities. Although the company name implies that we focus on children, we do much more. We offer Habilitation, Respite, Attendant Care, and Individual Design Living Arrangement (IDLA) services to individuals of all ages. CDE is contracted to provide these services across the state of Arizona. CDE also has a Day Program in Coolidge for adults 18 years an older which helps give your loved one life skills in a social setting. CDE upholds a quality image of providing excellent service, with care and compassion. CDE's goal is to establish long term relationships between our members and staff. CDE will meet all of their members needs with dignity and respect. Everyone affiliated with CDE upholds high morals and standards, because to us this is so much more than just a job. We all have personal and/or professional experience with disabled individuals, so at CDE we take our line of work very seriously. CDE's most important factor is quality of service.
*CDE services apply to anyone receiving DDD hours, with no out of pocket cost to the families or caregivers. If you are not currently receiving DDD hours, but feel you may be eligible for hours, please contact CDE for more information.