Sound Abundance

Sound Abundance


Health & Wellness

About Us

Sound Abundance utilizes Biofield Tuning using tuning forks on and around the body to help you release physical, emotional, and mental stress that is stuck in your body and in the area around your body or your biofield.

Your body is designed to feel good and protect itself, but it can't do both at the same time. When you're in a state of protection, you're in that fight or flight state where your body is trying to keep you alive. When you're in a feel-good state, your body can digest food properly, it can repair old injuries, and it can keep your emotions in check so you are less reactive.

A Biofield Tuning Session allows your body to get into that feel-good state and stay there for a while, even weeks after the session is complete. Biofield Tuning does not diagnose or cure any disease, but it can help you in your overall well-being.


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Get in Touch with us


351 N. Arizona Blvd., Coolidge Arizona 85128