Hohokam Irrigation and Drainage District
IrrigationCustom Farming/Farming/AgronomyUtilities
Monday - Thursday 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM
About Us
Hohokam is an irrigation and drainage district formed in 1972 by several Pinal County agricultural landowners, under Title 48 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. The District is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona.
The Districts primary purpose is to provide Central Arizona Project water to approximately 28,000 acres of eligible agricultural lands that comprise the District.
In addition to the delivery of irrigation water, the District began providing competitive retail electrical services to residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Casa Grande, Coolidge and Florence areas in February of 1997. Since that time, our customer base has grown to over 1750 services and is expected to continue growing at a steady rate.
We have a NEW Secure Pay phone number as of June 27, 2024: 844-965-1334.