Gourd Festival, Wuertz Farm, Pinal County Fairgrounds
Pinal County Historical Museum, PCHM, story time, Free
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, guided tours, Big House
Randolph Arizona, 25 Centennial Celebration
Cooltown Community Market, community marketplace, vendors/food trucks, arts crafts baked goods
Wreaths Across American Mobile Education Exhibit, Eloy Veterans Center
Live Music and Food at the Windmill Winery
The Windmill Winery, 80's Night, Florence, AZ
Randolph Arizona, 25 Centennial Celebration
Printed courtesy of www.coolidgechamber.org – Contact the Coolidge Chamber of Commerce for more information.
351 N. Arizona Blvd., Coolidge, Arizona 85128 – (520)723-3009 – info@coolidgechamber.org