Gain Night 2024 Coolidge Police Department
G.A.I.N. What Is It? G.A.I.N. stands for “Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods.” G.A.I.N. is Arizona's answer to “National Night Out,” which is held in August throughout much of the country. Because of the soaring 105+ temperatures in August, communities statewide decided to observe National Night Out in October and call it G.A.I.N. G.A.I.N. is a day of celebration for the successes of crime prevention through community involvement. Community members, block watches, businesses, various groups, schools, public safety and local government organizations across Coolidge and Pinal County participate in this yearly event to show support for the efforts of those involved in the fight against crime. Success of G.A.I.N. Depends on You! G.A.I.N. is also a day for the Coolidge Police Department to show their appreciation for those in the community that support our efforts in the day-to-day fight against crime. It's not too early to start thinking of ways you can help make G.A.I.N. a successful event

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM MST
Family Fun For Everyone!
Meet Our Public Safety Partners
To Register a Booth contact: Sandee Martinez
Contact Information
Sandee Martinez
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