ADOT Scheduled I-17 weekend closure Jan 17-20, 2025


Scheduled I-17 weekend closure in north Phoenix postponed

ADOT looking at last round of closures for pavement improvement project
I-17 in north Phoenix (ADOT file photo)

A planned closure of southbound I-17 in north Phoenix this weekend (Jan. 17-20) has been postponed, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation. The closure will be rescheduled on a future weekend as ADOT continues planning for a last series of closures needed for a pavement improvement project between Happy Valley Road and State Route 74/Carefree Highway. 

Approximately four I-17 weekend closures are anticipated over the next two months as crews work to finish the project that began late last spring. ADOT will provide additional closure information as it becomes available. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. 

The much-needed project to improve the pavement along I-17 has removed the old, worn top layer of asphalt pavement followed by the diamond grinding of the existing concrete pavement. The project has created a smoother, safer and longer-lasting surface along 6 miles of I-17. Crews have recently focused on installing new deck joints at bridges along the freeway. 

ADOT encourages drivers to sign up for project traffic alerts at

Real-time highway conditions are available on ADOT’s Arizona Traveler Information site at, the AZ511 app (download for Apple or Android devices) or by calling 511

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